Lee Walton
Halloween Party 2019
Updated: Nov 26, 2019
10月26日(土曜日)Halloween Partyがありました。 沢山のKidsと保護者の方が来てくださいました。
On Saturday October 26th we had our Halloween Costume Party.
Lots of kids and parents joined to enjoy some Halloween fun and frolics and eat too much candy. Some of the games we played included “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” and “Candy Pong” - a kids version of “Beer Pong”
目隠しをしてドンキー(ロバ)のイラストに尻尾を付ける. ピンポン玉をクッキーの入った紙コップに投げるピンポンゲーム. Halloween絵本をKidsたちとボイスチェンジャーで朗読,オーナメント作り等々、沢山のゲームやHalloweenならではのレッスンをしながら遊びました。
We read a Halloween story together using a voice changer to make it as spooky as possible, made some ornaments and enjoyed a Halloween lesson with plenty of fun games and treats.
Finally the kids came into the office to do “Trick or Treat”. It was a little scary, but everyone managed to get their candy without shedding any tears.
最後はLee先生のお部屋に”Trick or Treat”. ちょっと怖かったけど、みんなお菓子を無事ゲットできました。
After the party, we all had a sit down snack time and a little photoshoot.
It was a great little party. It was so much fun that I have already bought my costume for next year!